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Shirpur Education Society’s

R. C. Patel College of Education, Shirpur

Affiliated with K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon | Estd. in 1990

Welcome to

R. C. Patel College of Education

We provide, learner-centric approachexcellent infrastructurebest in class facilitiesall-round development

About RCPCOEDN, Shirpur

Institute has attractive building to house the prestigious computer lab, well stocked library, fully furnished class rooms, tutorial rooms, well equipped assembly and seminar hall, staffrooms, comfortable administrative offices etc. the building has been designed and constructed by famous builders to suit the requirements of learning experiences and training as per the norms of NCTE, Bhopal and NMU, Jalgaon. The College has 2(f) and 12B accreditation from UGC, New Delhi

Hon'ble Shri. Amrishbhai R. Patel

President, SES, Shirpur
Shirpur Education Society and the R. C. Patel Educational Trust have over the years, knitted together a large network of educational institutions throughout the length and breadth of Shirpur. From Pre-Primary Schools to Professinal Colleges and institutes...... Read More »

Dr. Dipak P. Baviskar

I wish to extend my warm welcome to you in RCP family. It would indeed give us immense pleasure that you have selected RCP platform and given opportunity to us to assist in shaping your professional career. Today, the college symbolizes the meaning of quality education...... Read More »

Why choose

R. C. Patel College of Education

We believe in quality education

Get enrolled to Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

R. C. Patel College is situated in semi urban locality and got permanent affiliation of North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon since 1993. It follows annual system. The B.Ed course was started with 160 students enrolled in 1990. The college is lately recognized by NCTE as per the order WRC/2-32/2003/46/2368 dated 26.05.2003 for an intake of 200 students. The college has the thought “the quality of education…


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Years Of Existence
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Experienced Staff

Vision and Mission

To impart relevant quality training programmers of education to students to make them knowledgeable, competent and skillful teachers for the emerging society.

The Vision of the existence of the institution is to impart quality teacher education to create best teachers to face the problems of education system and need of society. We strive to develop citizens with knowledge, skill and character leading to social transformation and national development. We aim at making our students, men and women, to offer their selfless service for the progress of the country and people.

AT RCPCOEDN, students are our Key stakeholders Important contributors Prime concern First pillar


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